The story takes place in 2029, when the X-Men had long since disbanded. As one of the few remaining mutants, Wolverine Rogan (Hugh Jackman) and Caliban (Stephen Merchant) takes care of the elderly Professor X (Patrick Stewart Patrick Stewart). Due to aging, Professor X has lost control of his super powers. If he does not rely on drugs, his super powers will get out of control and create irreversible disasters on a global scale. Not only that, Wolverine's self-healing ability has gradually weakened with the passage of time, and its physical fitness and strength have long been much worse than before. One day, a strange woman found Wolverine, entrusted him with a girl named Laura (Daphne Keane Dafne Keen), and asked him to send Laura to the "Garden of Eden" on the Canadian border. What Rogan didn't expect was that Laura was actually an artificial mutant cultivated by being implanted with her own genes. In the legendary Garden of Eden, there were a group of children with similar circumstances to Laura's. Evil Donald (Boyd...