Making Of

Making Of 6.4
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 2024
  • Running time: 1h 59m
  • Country: France

Well-known French director Simon began filming a film about workers protesting against the factory's relocation, but everything fell short of plan. The producer wanted to rewrite the ending and threatened to cut the budget; the crew went on strike; his personal life was a mess. Extra Joseph agreed to direct a behind-the-scenes documentary, so he began to follow the crew to record all the chaos... Two weeks after the serious work "The Trial of Goldman" was shortlisted as director of Cannes, the famous French director Cedric Kang changed his style and used this comedy The drama within drama was exhibited in Venice and received favorable reviews. The film switches freely between inside and outside the play with changes in format. Various familiar paragraphs come at your fingertips. While laughing, it also makes the audience sigh about the situation of the filmmakers. It can be called a love letter from the director to the film, and it also verifies the old saying-the story on the set is more exciting than the movie itself.