Mama Africa

Mama Africa 7.0

Miriam Kaka, a traditional South African actress known by fans as "Africa," went into exile after taking part in the anti-ethnic quarantine policy film "Come Back, Africa" with Leon Kexin in 1959. In the rest of his life, he lived a long life: love love, be invited to sing for Kennedy, promote a civil rights card, win an accepted marriage, and lose his daughter to return to his ancestral country. Despite the twists and turns of her life, her loud voice is always full of feelings for life. After starring in Mika Goliath, Finn once again picked out the love of the world music film after "the Legend of Brazil," with the feedback of his friends, as well as the rare faces such as Miriam Kahlan's on-the-spot performance and the speech of the United Nations. it eloquently tells the life journey of this traditional actress who used music and revolutionary writing. "I'm not singing politics, I'm singing facts. Miriam Kaka is the star of African music, a gentle and determined human rights fighter, and the mother of Africa.


