Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!

Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht! 5.9
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 2009
  • Running time: N/A
  • Country: Italy

Yang (Christian Umong Christian Ulmen) is a typical German man with an old-fashioned and formal personality and likes an immutable life. By chance, Yang meets a woman named Sarah (Mina Tonder Mina Tander), who comes from Italy and is full of Italian unrestrained and crazy blood. In this way, a pair of men and women with diametrically opposite personalities fall in love and decide to enter the hall of marriage. Yang meets Sarah's father Antonio (Lino Banfield Lino Banfi). The stubborn old man insists that his daughter's wedding be held in Campbell, so the party arrives all the way to their destination. Who knows where a series of troubles and accidents rift the relationship between Yang and Sarah, and Yang, who feels powerless about everything, even begins to wonder, is this really the life he wants?