Matka Królów

Matka Królów 7.3
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1987
  • Running time: 2h 7m
  • Country: Poland

Lucia Kroll is a mother of four. She is an ordinary worker. Her husband died a long time ago, she has been a widow, hard work with her own hands, and raised four children one after another, the family lived a simple life. Chloe had a close friend, Dr. Levin, who was a member of the Communist Party and took part in the secret movement of the Communist Party. Although Chloe is not a member of the Communist Party, she is very supportive of Levin and often helps him to do something and take part in revolutionary activities. Later, when the campaign failed, she hid Levin in her home to avoid arrest. Later, many people associated with the doctor came to her house to meet secretly, and many underground activities were also carried out in her house, and Chloe's house gradually became a secret gathering place. She had no fear of risk and tried her best to do everything she could for the revolution. Later, when World War II broke out, one of his sons, Clemens, joined the Polish army to fight German fascism, while another son, Roman, joined the Communist Party. And Chloe is also very pleased with this, he is still quietly engaged in anti-fascist underground activities. Then came the tragic "Stalin era". The Chloes, like other Poles, have experienced tribulations and tribulations.