Medium Cool

Medium Cool 7.4
  • Genre: Romance
  • Premiere: 1969
  • Running time: 1h 51m
  • Country: USA

The story takes place in Chicago in 1968, where people's opposition to the Vietnam War and McCarthyism is getting louder and louder, and a powerful democratic movement is imminent. John (Robert Foster Robert Forster) is a photographer for the TV station. He witnessed the whole story with his own eyes and was lucky to be a member of it. By accident, John met a woman named Irene (Fona Bloom Verna Bloom). Her husband died in the Vietnam War. John felt compassion for Irene. With the passage of time, John gradually fell in love with the kind and strong Irene, and Irene also admired the honest John, and the two came together. However, the relationship was strongly opposed by Irene's son Harold (Harold Blankenship), who did not hesitate to run away from home to protest, but on the day Harold left home, riots broke out, and in the midst of chaos, Irene was sadly and hopelessly looking for her son.