Men in War

Men in War 7.3
  • Genre: War
  • Premiere: 1957
  • Running time: 1h 42m
  • Country: USA

September 6th, 1950. Lieutenant Benson's platoon lost contact with the main force in a battle. On their way out of enemy-occupied areas, they met staff Sergeant Montana from another platoon. They must move the survivors to Heights 465, where the division is located. During the transfer, Lieutenant Benson and staff Sergeant Montana disagreed and often fought. After many thrilling encounters, they finally regained the siege and joined the main force. Together with the helmet, the film is regarded as the most realistic film about the Korean War in the 1950s. Its unique feature is that it describes in detail the psychological activities of soldiers in the war. Through fierce battle scenes and character conflicts, the film depicts the various mentalities of soldiers in despair: kindness, bravery, selfishness, despair, hope and relief.

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