
Metropolis 7.3

Metro Metro Polis, a super skyscraper known as a symbol of the progress of this era, is being inaugurated. Mr. RED (voiced by Taro Ishida), who holds real power in the city, was giving a speech on the stage when a young man dressed in black, ROCK (voiced by Hirohui Okada), openly drew his gun under heavy guard, causing an uproar. Japanese detective Junzuo, who witnessed the incident, took his nephew Jianichi (voiced by Kobayashi Kobayashi) and began a citywide investigation. But ROCK was found to have only shot the robot, and the killer left as if nothing had happened. Meituo Polis is an urban system with a dual structure composed of advanced aboveground parts and decadent underground parts. among the human beings living in this city, there are people who benefit from the highly developed robot world and enjoy the superiority of civilization and technology. on the contrary, there are people who are deprived of their jobs by robots, and mass groups that demand that robots also enjoy human rights and freedom. With the deepening of the investigation, the truth of the implementation gradually surfaced, and whether robots and human beings will eventually live equally or be destroyed together. This film is adapted from the cartoon of the same name published by Tezuka in 1949.