My Little Sister

My Little Sister 6.7

Selected into the 70th Berlin main competition unit. Twin brothers and sisters, Lisa is a well-known playwright, but when she learned that her twin brother had leukemia and could no longer perform on stage, her world was turned upside down overnight. Lisa, an outstanding playwright, stopped writing and decided to say goodbye to her beloved Berlin. She settled in Switzerland with her family, but cared about her brother, Sven, who lives in Berlin. Since Sven was diagnosed with malignant leukemia, the twins became closer and closer, and fate led her back to Berlin. Sven is a famous theater actress. Lisa can't accept the tragic arrangement of fate and goes through fire and water just to get her brother back on the stage. She gave everything for her brother, but ignored her marriage. Lisa's relationship with her husband began to break, but now all she sees is her brother. Only her brother can rekindle her desire for creation, a dying person, but it makes her feel really alive. "my Dear Little Sister" brings together three core elements in the life of two Swiss directors, Stephanie Chowat and Veronica Raymond: Berlin, drama and childhood. Berlin carries their 15 years of deep love, while drama is their common hobby and is inspired by their unique friendship and childhood. The script, which is so close to the soul of the creator, will not only be strongly shortlisted for the main competition of the 2020 Berlin Film Festival, but will also represent Switzerland in the Best International Picture Oscars. The film also won the 2020 German Film Awards for Best Actress and supporting Actress, and the European Film Awards for the year. The two important actors who touched the hearts of the people in the film also brought in Berlin actress Nina Hoss and German actor Russ Ettinger to pretend to be twins, and their subtle interactions seemed to see through all the illusions of the worldly world, but the death of one person led to the rebirth of another, which made the audience feel far-reaching while their sick brother made them cry.