Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist 6.9
  • Genre: Family
  • Premiere: 2005
  • Running time: 2h 10m
  • Country: UK

This film is based on the British writer Dickens' 1838 masterpiece Oliver Twist. Orphan Oliver (Barney Clark Barney Clark) was raised by the church. At the age of 9, he was sent to a children's factory to pick up catkins, and then sold to a coffin shop as an apprentice. Oliver escapes from the coffin shop and walks 70 miles to London, where he meets a thief "smart" (Harry Eden Harry Eden) and is included in the gang of Jewish old man Fagin (Ben Kingsley Ben Kinsley). On his first apprentice, Oliver is falsely accused of stealing Mr. Brownlow's silk handkerchief (Edward Hardwick Edward Hardwicke) and is knocked unconscious. He is taken home for adoption by the kind Mr. Brownlow, but is caught by Fagin's colleague Bill (Jamie Forman Jamie Foreman) on his way to run for Mr. Brownlow. Bill forces Oliver to help him and his partner Toby (Mark strong Mark Strong) break into Mr. Brownlow's house at night. Little Oliver disobeyed, and his life was at stake.