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Oppenheimer 8.5

When we are anxious, excited and angry about power and money, we can't imagine what more important things "they" are talking about. As the cloud of war hangs over the world, countries are intensifying military competitions. In order to seize the lead, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Leslie Groves (Matt Damon) approached Robert Oppenheimer (Killian Murphy), a leading figure in the field of quantum mechanics and nuclear physics, and strongly recommended him as chief scientist of the Manhattan Project and general director of Los Alamos National Laboratory. After two years of racing against time, a huge mushroom cloud finally rose above the wasteland, announcing that the meat grinder of World War II was about to come to an end. Oppenheimer was like Prometheus who brought fire to the world, but his understanding of human nature and fear for the future forced him to follow a path that was contrary to the government. What is even more sad is that the material desires that mortals love have also carried a lifetime of genius into purgatory and burned forever...

