Patrik, Age 1.5

Patrik, Age 1.5 6.9

As same-sex lovers, Glenn (Gusta Scarsgaard Gustaf Skarsg å rd) and Swann (Tocker Peterson Torkel Petersson) should be glad they were born in Sweden, because this is the seventh country in the world to recognize gay marriage. As their relationship heats up, they feel that the time has come to adopt a "love crystal". After repeated rejections, they finally welcomed their one-and-a-half-year-old baby Patrick (played by Thomas Liuingman Thomas Ljungman). Unexpectedly, what came to them was not a crying baby, but a teenager full of secondary school breath. In this way, Glen and Swann and their "child" Patrick began a "happy" family life. They found Patrick not only recalcitrant in personality, but also outrageous in his attitude towards homosexuality. What kind of embarrassing and warm story will be played out between these three men?