Pour vivre heureux

Pour vivre heureux 6.3

Amel Belhaj and Pakistani young man Marsh are a young couple, but Pakistan has always had a tradition of not intermarrying with other ethnic groups, so the union of the two faces great challenges. Before Marsh revealed his relationship to his parents, his parents arranged an arranged marriage for Marsh. Noor is a member of Marsh's father's family and is also good friends with Amel. Amel learned the secret that Noor had had sex with someone else before marriage and hid it for her. Noor had planned to marry Amel and Marsh, but his parents forced him to marry Marsh. In despair, Amel revealed Noor's secret, and Nur was extremely ashamed and chose to commit suicide. Fortunately Noor was rescued, but everyone blamed Amel for all this misfortune. Amel had a big fight with his father, angrily denouncing the cruelty of life and the overbearing patriarchy. In the end, however, Marsh decided to be brave and protect his helpless lover, and the two hugged each other in the street and embraced the life they longed for.