Profound Desires of the Gods

Profound Desires of the Gods 7.8
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1968
  • Running time: 2h 53m
  • Country: Japan

A group of people living far from the civilized world live on the South Island of Japan. Taigenji family belongs to the family of witches offering sacrifices to gods on the island, and his grandfather Shan Sheng also has a divine and inhuman character. The relationship between Tai Genji and his sister Tai Ma was somewhat ambiguous, but Tai Ma was forcibly accepted as a concubine by long Liyuan, the leader of the island. Kametaro is the son of Taigenji. He yearns for the civilized life in the city and is extremely disgusted with the customs of life on the island, but he is unable to break the old rules and customs on the island. People on the island have long made a living by growing sugar cane and now need to build a sugar factory. A technician in Tokyo went to the island to inspect the water source of the sugar factory and suggested that the Great Waterfall be used as the water source, which was strongly opposed by the residents of the island. A capitalist wanted to build an airport on the island and needed Taigenji to relocate, but he flatly refused. On the night of offering sacrifices to the gods, Tai Genji and his sister Tai Ma saw the body of long Liyuan when they rowed out to sea. A group of young people paddled two boats to catch up, and Kametaro was one of them. They killed Taigenji with oars, while Tai Ma was tied to the mast. Based on the drama the taboo Island, the film combines sociology and folklore, describing a potential consciousness of the Japanese nation, the complex relationship between people, and people.