Puen Tee Raluek

Puen Tee Raluek 6.1

In 1997, the Asian financial crisis swept through countries like a storm, the collapse of companies has become common, the boss Fujia fled to commit suicide, and the lives of ordinary people are becoming more and more difficult. Rich girl Boo (Thunyaphat Pattarateerachaicharoen is acted the role of) the building built by her father finally rotten end, after the father's domestic violence, disillusioned Boo and Ibrahim (Panisara Rikulsurakan) agreed to commit suicide. By mistake, Bell went to another world, and Boom lived on earth. With the passage of time, 20 years later, Boo (Nandi Zong Lavermont Namthip Jongrachatawiboon) has become a well-known real estate entrepreneur. One day, she took her daughter Bell (Amby Chaya Songke Apichaya Thongkham) back to the unfinished building where she committed suicide with her friends. The naughty Bell wandered around and found the BP machine that his mother had communicated with Ibrahimovic. Unexpectedly, a lonely soul has been waiting here for many years, just to fulfill the unfinished promise.