Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts 7.2

A shrewd lawyer who is adept at fighting juvenile sexual assault cases has a happy marriage with her doctor's husband, and her career and family are under control. Unexpectedly, her husband moved in with his rebellious son born to his ex-wife, which caught her by surprise. The desire in the depths of the jungle is ignited by the youthful anger of the youth, falling into an uncontrollable relationship, and sacrificing the saplings to save the forest, the soul has long been burned. Justice is the luxuriant forest that the world looks up to. When the autumn wind blows, the magnificent leaves fall, leaving the dead branches of lies. "Jianli Commune" (Summer International Film Festival 2016) Berlin film queen Trina Tihong ("mind arithmetic", 42nd) challenged her acting skills and dug up the entangled roots.