Raising Arizona

Raising Arizona 7.3

Ex-convict Hi (Nicholas Cage Nicolas Cage) and prison guard Eddard (Holly Hunt Holly Hunter) fall in love at first sight, and the two tie the knot. After that, Hi decided to change her ways and be a good person for the sake of his wife. Eddard, who likes children very much, finds himself unable to have children and is depressed all day long. Hearing that town tycoon Arizona (Trey Wilson Trey Wilson) has quintuplets on his birthday, Eddard and Hi are willing to take risks and steal a baby named Nelson II from the tycoon. Eddard is very happy to finally have a child, but he gradually feels the pressure of being a father. The tycoon who lost his child was very anxious, but the police paid no attention to the case after reporting the case. at this time, a strong man who called himself the "messenger of hell" found the tycoon and was sure that he could find his son. Hi's home was also a mess. Two prisoners fled to Hi before they escaped from prison. They found that the baby was expensive and took it away. At the same time, Hi's offended boss also discovered the baby's secret and tried to be obedient to him. At a critical moment, for the sake of his wife and children, in order to protect his place.

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