Red Eagle

Red Eagle 5.0

Spain held the highest-level summit council at the time, with all the major European countries at the time: France, Britain, Portugal and the Pope himself. Although these countries used the guise of a peace conference, the real reason why they organized and participated in the conference was to kidnap the Spanish king and use the means of "holding the emperor to command the princes" in the hope of getting a piece of the Spanish territory. In order to ensure the realization of this goal and hope that the strange hero Red Eagle would not come out to cause trouble at an important time, Lady Sandiranaf, the core figure of the meeting, hired bloody Cossacks to kill the Red Eagle. The Red Eagle is facing the pursuit of Cossacks, while the king's life and the land of Spain are in jeopardy. Faced with an eager enemy and injured relatives, what choice will the Red Eagle make?