Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood 5.5

On the edge of the quiet dark forest, there is an unknown village where rumors of werewolves have been widely circulated for a long time. The beautiful young girl Valerie (Amanda Seyfried Amanda Seyfried) is married, and her family betrothed her to the son of a wealthy family in the village, Henry (Max Elons Max Irons), but Valerie really loves Peter, the woodcutter she grew up with (Hiro Fernandez Shiloh Fernandez). In pursuit of true love, Valerie and Peter decided to elope. But just as they were planning to escape, the werewolf appeared and killed Valerie's sister. The villagers' long-standing resentment finally broke out at this moment, and they decided to eradicate the werewolves who threatened the villagers. After a cruel battle, the villagers killed a giant wolf in a cave. However, the giant wolf in the cave is not the legendary werewolf, the real werewolf has always been hidden among the villagers. The film is directed by Twilight Saga: twilight actress Catherine Hardwick (Catherine Hardwicke) and screenwriter David of the thriller Orphan.