Sayônara, ginga tetsudô Surî-Nain: Andromeda shûchakueki

Sayônara, ginga tetsudô Surî-Nain: Andromeda shûchakueki 7.0

Human civilization has entered an era of turmoil, the earth is shrouded in the flames of war, major cities have fallen one after another, human beings scattered and fled, blood into rivers. Although Tetsuro Hoshino (voiced by Masako Nobuko) destroys the mechanized planet, the war between robots and humans continues, and humans have reached a critical moment of life and death. At a critical juncture, tie Lang got a message from Metir (voiced by Changzi Ikeda) asking him to take the Galaxy Railway 999 again. With the help of a group of comrades-in-arms, tie Lang crossed the lines of fire and, after several twists and turns, finally boarded the long-lost Galaxy Railway No. 999 and resumed a long, lonely and adventurous journey to the universe. This film is the second theatrical animation of Galaxy Railway 999.