Shiawase no pan

Shiawase no pan 7.6
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2012
  • Running time: 1h 54m
  • Country: Japan

Tired of the hustle and bustle of the metropolis and the dull mechanization of life, he has his own fantasy Riki (Kichi Harada) and a gentle and considerate husband who fled Tokyo and settled on a hill adjacent to a lake in Yuepu, Hokkaido. The couple run a bread and coffee shop called M á ni here, where they work together to make delicious food and entertain people who stop and stop. In that year, the sad Saito Xiangzhi (Moriyuki Mori) became acquainted with the young man Yamashita Hiraoka who was always trapped in Hokkaido, and the pure feelings were born quietly; the silent little girl (played by Youxi Yagi) and her father (played by Mitsuki) cherished the thoughts of their mother and found solace in M á ni; the terminally ill old woman and husband visited here to savor the last moments of their life. Cold and summer come and go, love gathers and separates, and the river of life flows slowly with the aroma of coffee and bread.