Shoot the Messenger

Shoot the Messenger 6.8
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2006
  • Running time: 1h 30m
  • Country: UK

Shooting the Messenger is a bold, interesting and controversial film directed by the politically sensitive Anglo-Nigerian filmmaker Ngoz Onwula. The story tells of an idealistic black expert who wanted to be a teacher to improve the lives of young black students. Ironically, the kind professor found himself an enemy of the students he initially promised to help, and soon became the target of the entire black community. Young teachers feel betrayed, so they begin to resent and reject all blacks, believing that blacks are essentially the root of all evil. This hilarious comedy clearly satirizes the concept of racial identity and cultural norms. The script of "shooting the Messenger" is skillfully written and the leading actor's performance is fascinating, which invigorates the artistic spirit of African films that do not take themselves seriously. (quoted from the official information of the 20max 20 Film Exchange Program)