Slave of the Cannibal God

Slave of the Cannibal God 5.3

Encounter cannibal film to introduce this film is extremely scary, people with poor psychological bearing capacity, please do not watch! The sexy and beautiful young woman Susan is newly married. Her husband, a famous anthropologist, disappeared on a scientific expedition to Conglin in Guinea, Africa, and never came back. In order to find her husband, Susan and her brother Arthur, and Professor Edward of the Research Institute, they formed an expedition team to explore the mysterious tropical Conglin of Guinea. They asked the local natives as a guide and headed for the dense and strange depths of the forest. Along the way, they were constantly shocked by the secrets from the forest. They are getting closer and closer to the cannibal valleys where the natives talk about it. Two indigenous guides died strangely in a night's camping. Professor Edward was cut by cannibals. Susan, they finally came to the valley of cannibals, surrounded and tied up. The cannibals deal with them one by one... Susan was tied up and covered with oil. Will they be eaten? Can they find out the truth about Susan's husband's disappearance? Can beauty Susan escape the desire of the cannibal leader? Executive producer: Luciano Martino director: se.

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