Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot 8.2
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 1959
  • Running time: 2h 1m
  • Country: USA

In the 1930s, turbulent Chicago was often harassed by robber gangs. Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon), members of the orchestra, were hunted after they happened to see the robber Spock's men shooting a whistleblower in the garage. Desperate, they disguised themselves as women to join a women's band and followed it to Miami. There is an extraordinarily beautiful and sexy girl in the regiment named Xiuga (Marilyn Monroe). When Qiao knows that she is bent on catching rich people, she becomes the son of the Oil King in an attempt to win her heart; on the other hand, Jerry also has a soft spot for Xiuja. but he was constantly entangled by a rich man who didn't know he was a man, and he made a lot of jokes. Soon, Joe and Jerry met Spock again and had to run away again, making the scene even funnier.

