Son of Rambow

Son of Rambow 7.0

Will (Bill Milner Bill Milner is acted the role of) is a lonely good boy, he is very strict by the family control, does not have many friends, but also because of religious factors are strictly restricted entertainment, can only rely on painting to pass the time. By chance, will meets the school's "problem student" Carter (will Poulter Will Poulter) and takes will into a new world. Carter shows him TV for the first time, takes him to do evil, and asks him to help make a short film to fulfill his dream of directing. The kind and simple will became Carter's sidekick, and gradually began to discover the beauty of the camera and give full play to his imagination, but the friendship of young people always buried many unstable factors, with the emergence of a French exchange student. It seems that there is a rift in the relationship between will and Carter.