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Stealth 5.0

Ben (Josh Lucas), Kayla (Jessica Biel) and Henry (Jamie Foxx) are all top pilots. On this day, they received a secret mission: training their new partner Iron Dan. Surprisingly, Iron Egg turned out to be a fully intelligent drone, and their task was to train it into a sharp knife. After completing a flight mission, Iron Dan was accidentally hit by lightning, giving Iron Dan emotional autonomy. In the subsequent mission, the headquarters considered the situation at the time and planned to abandon the mission. Unexpectedly, Iron Dan suddenly flew away from the formation and put the earth-penetrating bomb into the enemy's nuclear arsenal, causing an unprecedented nuclear disaster. Captain Ben realized that such an intelligent killing machine must be destroyed immediately, otherwise it would bring more disasters to mankind. He immediately reported to the headquarters. The clever iron egg learned of their actions, so a man-machine chase began!