Steel Magnolias

Steel Magnolias 7.3
  • Genre: Romance
  • Premiere: 1989
  • Running time: 1h 57m
  • Country: USA

This is the most common town in America. Town resident Lou Wei (Dolly Patton Dolly Parton) opens a beauty salon, which is particularly friendly with five customer women, and the beauty salon becomes a place for them to laugh and scold their parents. Although they have different personalities, when six friends get together, the time is always interesting and warm. Xie Bier (Julia Roberts Julia Roberts) is one of the best friends. She had diabetes, so her mother repeatedly persuaded her not to have a baby. Xie Bier decided to get pregnant and give birth. With a strong belief, she allowed the child to be born smoothly, but she collapsed. Mother suffered from the pain that the white-headed man sent the black-headed man, and Xie Bier's good friend became a shot in the arm at this moment. They spent the sad years together, prayed for the coming of sunshine after the rain, and Xie Bier's life continued in their hearts.