
Stone 5.4
  • Genre: Thrilling
  • Premiere: 2010
  • Running time: 1h 45m
  • Country: USA

The cautious and respectful Jack Malby (Robert de Niro Robert De Niro) works in a government department, and his daily job is to review prisoners who apply for parole. He does this boring job year after year, and his relationship with his wife Madeline (Frances Conroy) is extraordinarily cold. There was a vigorous desire hidden in his heart, but he had to hide it with a correct appearance. When Jack is about to retire, arsonist George "Stone" Collison (Edward Norton Edward Norton), who has been in prison for eight years, comes to his desk. George hopes to get out of the wall as soon as possible, so he tries to win Jack's trust, even at the expense of his beautiful wife Lucetta (Mira Jovovich Milla Jovovich) to seduce this seemingly serious gentleman. Jack's desire was getting out of control, and George, who tried to package himself through religion, seemed to hear the gospel from God.