Struck by Lightning

Struck by Lightning 6.3
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 2013
  • Running time: 1h 30m
  • Country: USA

Clover is a small town where high school student Carson (Chris Colfer Chris Colfer) grows up in a divorced family. His mother ignores him and his grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's disease. For Carson, getting out of Clover is the biggest motivation in life. In order to realize his dream of entering the journalism school of Northwestern University, Carson decided to blackmail the whole school to beautify his resume-he dug up information on popular students at the school and threatened cheerleaders, football stars and rich kids to write for him. To help him start a literary magazine. "but fate hits you and escapes in any way possible & quot;, was struck by lightning on the eve of his departure from school. Chris Colfer, the actor of the famous American TV series "Glee", wrote and acted as a production campus comedy.