Supermarket Woman

Supermarket Woman 7.2
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 1996
  • Running time: 2h 7m
  • Country: Japan

The "daughter of the supermarket" describes Goro, a silly boss who is not good at running an old-fashioned supermarket "house of integrity". Under the threat of another "price reduction king" supermarket, which is good at fooling around with marketing, business has plummeted. The "king of price reduction" even plans to poach a number of department heads of the "honest house" with high salaries, and the future of the "honest house" is in jeopardy. Goro's elementary school classmate Hanako is a widow. with the keen tentacles of housewives, she is determined to reform the "house of integrity" and improve the packaging process of sushi, meat, fresh fish, and so on. Although at first the head of the department resisted reform, Hanako never gave up on the "house of integrity" and eventually turned the tide and persuaded the head of the department to live or die together with the "house of integrity", so that the "house of integrity" not only sold fresh food, but also was more considerate to the needs of his wife, making them feel at ease to shop. The "House of Integrity" finally broke out in New Year's Day's dumping, and there was a long queue of customers, completely defeating the "king of price reduction."