Taipei Story

Taipei Story 7.7

Young baseball team national player born cloth shop owner Aaron (Hou Xiaoxian is acted the role of), he and A Zhen are childhood sweetheart. A Zhen (Cai Qin is acted the role of) is a senior assistant employee of an enterprise, she always wants to get married and emigrate to the United States as soon as possible, change the current life situation, and yearn for a better future. Aaron is willing to help others, such as Aqin (Wu Nianzhen), a young friend who drives a taxi. He has a strong sense of nostalgia and often goes to the baseball field to watch. In the face of the drastic changes around the society, Aaron and Ah Zhen are dealing with different people, and they inevitably move away from each other, and there are cracks in their feelings. Later, Aaron was stabbed by a young man who adored Ah Zhen and sat alone by the side of the road waiting. Gradually in a coma, he seemed to see the memory of participating in the junior baseball game again.

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