Tang Bohu dian Qiuxiang

Tang Bohu dian Qiuxiang 7.6

Tang Bohu (Zhou Xingchi is acted the role of) as the head of the four talents in the south of the Yangtze River, but has endless sadness. King Ning wanted Tang Bohu to help plot rebellion, so Tang Bohu had to use his internal skills to change his pulse to make everyone believe that his life would not be long. His mother complained that he should not expose his kung fu because his family had been hunted and killed by his enemies at that time. When Tang Bohu was traveling with his friends, he met the beautiful Qiu Xiang and fell in love with her at first sight, determined to go to Washington to pursue Qiu Xiang. Tang Bohu was named Hua'an. During this period, Master Hua encountered Ning Wang's door-to-door trouble. fortunately, Tang Bohu came forward to help and exposed his identity as Tang Bohu. Only then did Qiu Xiang know that Hua'an was the Tang Bohu that she appreciated. Mrs. Hua had a grudge against the Tang family, so they began to fight. Unexpectedly, King Ning came to the door with the face-grabbing scholar again, Mrs. Hua was no match, fortunately, Tang Bohu shot, Mrs. Hua also promised to allocate Qiu Xiang to Tang Bohu.