Tarka the Otter

Tarka the Otter 6.7

Otter Taka was born under the bridge hole of the Tate River, with a mother who loves him very much and a group of friendly brothers and sisters. Of course, Taka lives with insane poachers who take pleasure in hunting otters. One day, the trail of Taka's family was tracked by poachers. Although Taka finally escaped, his parents died tragically under the poacher's gun. Without the protection of her parents, Taka had to leave home and embark on a journey. The difficulties and obstacles along the way made Taka grow up rapidly, and on the way, he met a beautiful female otter Beatty, but unfortunately the relationship did not make it to the end. Unable to find food, Taka had to venture into human homes to find food. after many difficulties, Taka and Beatty were reunited, and they finally came together.