The 3 Worlds of Gulliver

The 3 Worlds of Gulliver 6.5

The story takes place in 1699. The protagonist of the story, Dr. Gulliver, originally lived in Wapindu, England. Although years of war left the town's people unable to pay their medical bills, the kind and warm-hearted Gulliver helped them regardless of return. But when Gulliver realized that he could not make his beloved fiancee Elizabeth happy if he could not earn money, he chose to go to sea with Britchard's boat. Elizabeth had to board the freighter because she could not stop his behavior. The ship was hit by a storm on the way, and all the crew fell into the sea. Gulliver woke up to find himself drifting to a small land called Lilliput, which happened to be facing a battle between the Kingdom of Lilliput and neighboring Bray. Gulliver helped Lippt to collect all of his old warships and avoid a war, so he was loved by the people. But the insatiable king expelled Gulliver from the land of Lilliputian after he destroyed the queen's new clothes because of the fire. Gulliver drifted to a big country, where he met his fiancee Elizabeth, who was washed away by the storm. The people of Great Man are very stingy. Gulliver is regarded as a wizard because he beat the king in chess, even though he.

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