The Adventures of Tintin

The Adventures of Tintin 7.3

The story of Tintin (voiced by Jamie Bell Jamie Bell) and Snow White can be said to have influenced more than one generation. Thanks to the efforts of Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson, Tintin's story was finally brought to the big screen. This time, Tintin began an adventurous adventure because of an old model ship. The model ship, called the Unicorn, hides a story of pirates and treasure. In order to unravel this secret that has been handed down for centuries, Tintin and Snow Bai are constantly looking for clues and the truth. With the help of navigator Captain Haddock (Andy Serkins Andy Serkis), clumsy detective partner Dupont (voiced by Simon Peggy Simon Pegg), DuPont (voiced by Nick Frost Nick Frost) and Snow White, Tintin travels halfway around the world to fight wits with the villain Zakarin (Daniel Craig Daniel Craig). Finally, Tintin finally found the secret hidden by the Unicorn and the old curse. The Adventures of Tintin was nominated for best score at the 84th Academy Awards.

