The AristoCats

The AristoCats 7.1

The story takes place in the bustling metropolis of Paris, where a kind lady decides to leave her huge fortune to her pet cat, the Duchess (voiced by Eva Garbo Eva Gabor), and her young children. The greedy housekeeper learns the news and starts to come up with the idea of the inheritance. Late one night, the housekeeper secretly left the Duchess and her children in the weedy and uninhabited countryside, and in his mind, as long as the cats were out of the way, his inheritance was like a treasure in his pocket. Cold and hunger threatened the lives of the Duchess's family from time to time. Fortunately, a wildcat named Thomas (voiced by Phil Harris Phil Harris) appeared in front of the Duchess at a critical moment. With the help of Thomas, the kittens not only grew up healthily, but the Duchess also learned a lot of valuable lessons about cats. In the end, they not only returned to Paris smoothly and exposed the false face of the housekeeper, but also staged a romantic relationship between the Duchess and Thomas.