The Big White

The Big White 6.4

The story takes place in cold Alaska. For a long time, Paul (Robin Williams Robin Williams)'s wife Margaret (Holly Hunt Holly Hunter) suffers from depression and can't bear to see his wife so miserable. Paul decides to take his wife to warm California in the hope that this trip will relieve his wife's symptoms. However, Paul's withered wallet put the wonderful project in an indefinite delay, and he came up with a bad way to solve the problem. Paul decided to take advantage of the insurance money. First of all, he needed a body, then he falsely claimed that the body was his long-lost brother, and finally received the insurance money. Fortunately, Paul did find a body, but trouble followed-how to hide it from his wife and how to transport the body to where he wanted it. Paul, who was so busy, did not know that the real danger was approaching him.