The Legend of the Black Pot The Black Cauldron (Disney Gold Classic Collection) (1985) is the most alternative work in Disney's classic animation. The plot tells the story of a teenager named Taran, who confronts the devil The Horned King in order to maintain peace in his hometown, preventing him from harming the world by using the magic of the black pot. This film is also the first time that Disney animation has used computer-assisted shooting, but there are only a few pictures. The film uses another title "Taran and the Magic Cauldron" when it is released in some areas, and there are some bloody scenes rarely seen in Disney animation, which seems to be somewhat different from the previous Disney animation style, so the film is targeted at young audiences only, which is very different from other Disney films suitable for the whole family. This film is also the first time that Disney animation has been shot by computer, but there are only a few pictures, and it was only the next year that Disney created an independent scene with computer for the first time. This film is a disco.