The Body

The Body 5.4

Adapted from the 2012 Spanish suspense drama "Girl Zombie case". One night ten years ago, after two cars had an accident, one car crashed the other car off a cliff. Ten years later, the overbearing and wealthy female executive died of a heart attack on the day she returned from the United States. as a result, her body disappeared in the funeral home that night. The Interpol, who came here, asked the senior woman's husband to come to the funeral parlour for investigation. During the funeral home investigation, the husband found traces of the female executive many times and determined that the female executive was not dead. The husband finally confessed to the Interpol that he cheated on a female student and designed the illusion of death from a heart attack in order to seize the property of a female executive. At this time, the Interpol began to show his truth. it turned out that it was the wife of the Interpol who died in the traffic accident, and the daughter of the Interpol abetted her husband to kill a female executive in order to get revenge and have an extramarital affair with her husband.

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