The Brady Bunch Movie

The Brady Bunch Movie 6.0
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Premiere: 1995
  • Running time: 1h 30m
  • Country: USA

Based on the popular family situation comedy of the same name in the 1970s, this film describes what happened to the Brady family in the 1990s. The Brady family is enviable: a big house on the outskirts of town, a husband with a stable job, Mike, a wife with a good housekeeping, Carol, and a group of clever children. The neighbors of the Brady family are the greedy Dittmeyer, who run a real estate brokerage business. The Dittmeyer couple want to sell the land to the developer to build a large shopping mall, and the Brady family is the largest nail household. The Dittymeyer couple found an overdue tax notice in a letter from the Brady family, causing the Brady family to raise $20, 000 in a short period of time, or their house would be auctioned. At this time, several children put all their eggs in one basket and took part in a talent competition with a prize of up to 20,000 US dollars.

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