The Day of the Locust

The Day of the Locust 7.1
  • Genre: Thrilling
  • Premiere: 1975
  • Running time: 2h 24m
  • Country: USA

Every city has countless souls who pursue their dreams. Under the ferocious predation of reality like locusts, they hold on to the self who does not want to be lost but on the verge of madness. The film that criticizes Hollywood and debunks the most severe dream of fame in history! Hollywood, the first stage of the entertainment industry, the first dump of dreams. Todd, who aspires to be an artist, came to Hollywood to seek opportunities to engage in scenery painting. He Mo, a dumb hotel accountant, was enslaved by boring work year after year, saved a sum of savings and went to Hollywood for a holiday. Todd and he Mo both fell in love with Feyer, who wanted to be a superstar, but the vain she didn't care. When Harry died, Todd was very angry that Feyer became a call girl in order to bury his father. As if he was angry with him, Feyer moved in with the cowardly Hormel, and after holding Hormel in the palm of his hand, Feyer continued to hang out with others. Homer found out what Faye was doing, and Fieso left without saying good-bye and disappeared. A large crowd of people gathered at the gate of the Grand Theater, all waiting for the arrival of the star. In order to find Faye, Hormel also came to the crowded scene. At this time, a child star laughed at Hormel, and the resentment accumulated over the days made Hormel lose his mind and anger.