The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker

The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker 7.2
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2007
  • Running time: 1h 50m
  • Country: Japan

"if there is a dog run over by a car, you must save it; if there is a woman who escapes, you must find it at the ends of the earth; if you have a book you want, you must get it even if you attack the bookstore." From his hometown to study in Sendai, a college student named Ji Ming (Yoshida Yue) meets a mysterious man who calls himself Hesaki (Yingtai) at the door of his apartment. Hazaki said there was a Bhutanese living next door who couldn't tell the difference between a duck and a wild duck. In order to help him, Kawasaki decided to rob a book "Guang Ciyuan" in the bookstore and invited Ji Ming to attend. The ignorant vertebral name was confused with the action of Hesaki, but Hesaki took a copy of Guang ci Lin by mistake. With the deepening of his relationship with Kawasaki, Ji Ming gradually learned about his true face and an unforgettable story that happened two years ago.