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The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath 8.1
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 1940
  • Running time: 2h 9m
  • Country: USA

Tom Joad (Henry Fonda), who has just been released from prison, returns to his home in Oklahoma only to find that his original home is empty. After inquiring, he learns from farmer Jim Casy (John Carradine) that with the development of industry, local farmers have been forced to leave the area. Tom and Jim find Tom's family at Tom's uncle's house, and the family decides to go to California to find a new job. The family loaded all their luggage into a truck and set out. On the way, Tom's grandmother passed away. They found a place where they gathered people like them to work there, and they settled there. However, Jim died unexpectedly, and Tom also killed someone in order to avenge him, so he had to flee in a hurry. The family could only leave and find the next place to live. Where are the homeless farmers going... The film is adapted from Steinbeck's novel of the same name and won the 1941 Oscar for Best Director.