The Invention of Lying

The Invention of Lying 6.4

This is a world beyond reality and has no idea what lies are. People work and live normally, but everything they say is true. Mark (Ricky Gervais Ricky Gervais), a young man who has just experienced unemployment, lovelorn and poverty, one day figured out the secret-he used a lie to increase the money in his account, but people who had never seen a lie believed him completely. After tasting the sweetness, Mark began to take advantage of the secret, and he began to lie constantly to get whatever he wanted. As Mark's lies become more and more outrageous, more and more people believe in him, making things more and more out of control. And Mark also gradually found that in the face of his beloved woman Jennifer (Jennifer Garner Jennifer Garner), deceiving her into bed with "the end of the world is coming" is not what he wants, and the only way to get love is still true.