The Legend of Wisely

The Legend of Wisely 6.4

When the famous writer and adventurer Wesley (Xu Guanjie) travels in Egypt, he is asked by millionaire Hope, who asks Wesley to look for his brother Gao Dawei (Teddy Robin). After receiving an unsolicited letter from Gao Dawei, Wesley rushed to Nepal to meet him. At that time, Gao Dawei was looking for the legendary Himalayan Dragonball for the green gang leader Bai Qiwei (Dillon). Seeing that success was imminent, Wesley was caught in the pursuit of a "cult". Wesley helped Gao Dawei sneak into the religion to win the Dragonball. When the plane crashed, Gao Dawei disappeared, and the failed Wesley was brought to the five-year-old Little Buddha. Wesley was influenced by the Little Buddha and promised to recover the Dragonball. To continue this sect. Returning to Hong Kong, Wesley meets Hope's assistant again and refuses to hand over the dragon ball to each other. Bai Qiwei's sister Bai Su (Wang Zuxian) is a fan of Wesley. With the help of Bai Su, Wesley gets the dragon ball, but a three-way battle over the dragon ball has only just begun.

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