The Little Girl Who Conquered Time

The Little Girl Who Conquered Time 6.6

High school girl Kazuko Fangyama (Kishiko Harada) and friends Goro Horikawa (Omi Takashiro) and Ichigo Kuromachi (Ryichi Takayagi) clean the classroom. When Kazuko was alone, he heard a strange noise coming from the lab. She pushed the door and entered, only to see a flask falling to the ground, with an unknown liquid emitting white smoke. After smelling a smell of lavender, Hezi fell to the ground unconscious. With the help of two friends, Hezi woke up from the coma. She was surprised to find that she had the ability to travel through time and space when she thought it didn't matter. The earthquake and the dangers encountered by friends all appeared in a very real "dream", and in the retrospect of childhood, Hezi gradually discovered a secret in his friends. Adapted from Yoshihiro Nakai's science fiction novel of the same name, Harada's first novel, one of the Odo Trilogy written by Akuhiko Olin.