The Music Never Stopped

The Music Never Stopped 7.5
  • Genre: Plot
  • Premiere: 2011
  • Running time: 1h 45m
  • Country: USA

Henry (JK Simmons J.K. Simmons) and his son Gabriel (Lou Tyler Pucci Lou Taylor Pucci) also like music, but they like music in very different styles. For more than 20 years, dissent over politics caused Jabley to run away from home and never come back. Today, Gabriel lives on the street and finds a brain tumor that has been taken to the hospital for surgery. But the tumor has completely destroyed his brain, he has lost the ability to create new memories, his memory will always stay in 1968. In order to re-enter Gabriel's world, Henry invites Diane (Julia Ormond Julia Ormond), an expert on brain tumors and music, to treat his son's illness. Diane found that Gabriel still had a sense of early rock music. But this psychedelic rock music was simply unacceptable to Henry, who was in his sixties, but in order to communicate with his son, he began to study all the rock bands of the 1960s.