The Neon Demon

The Neon Demon 6.2

Beautiful girl Jess (Allie Fanning Elle Fanning) is a young female model who sets foot in the fancy world for the first time. She looks ignorant and harmless. The friendly makeup artist Ruby (Genna Malone Jena Malone) approached her first and introduced her to two little-known models Gigi (Bella Heathcote Bella Heathcote) and Sarah (Abby Abbey Lee). Jess is like a piece of uncut jade with great value. she is quickly appreciated by people of insight in the industry, and the road ahead is full of light. Her beauty is a gift from heaven, but her beauty has also become a fragile flower that others are jealous and even eager to destroy. On the catwalk, neon lights crisscross, Jess gradually tends to the other side of the dream, but the unbridled expansion of desire and resentment is also engulfing her.