The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties 8.0

After World War I, crime films also gradually flourished in the United States. During this period, audiences and artists were generally not optimistic about things. The disillusionment of many soldiers, small owners, housewives and factory employees when they return to peacetime economic conditions is directly reflected in the bleak color of urban crime films, as reflected in the film "the Roaring twenties". The three soldiers returned to the United States in the 1920s after World War I. hurt became a lawyer, Harry became a bootlegger, and Eddie planned to become a taxi driver. Because it was easy to make money from alcohol during the prohibition period, Eddie and Smith also took part in the liquor business and became partners with Harry, but Eddie was disgusted by the cruelty of the business, and he tried to do the stock business again. The recession of 1929 wiped him out. Eddie heard that Harry wanted to murder his accomplice Hart, because Hart was actually a law enforcement official. Eddie killed Harry but also died at the gunpoint of the other gunman.