The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter 5.3

The story takes place in the 17th century. Hester (Demi Moore Demi Moore) leaves her husband to settle in a British colony in Massachusetts Bay. The British pioneered here had strong beliefs and abided by the rules, and some of Hester's actions stood out in this repressive colonial environment. The local priest Arthur (Gary Oldman Gary Oldman) is handsome and passionate. Hester is so attracted by his demeanor that two like-minded people soon fall dangerously in love. Soon after, the colony received the news that Hester's doctor husband was killed by the Indians. The couple who thought they could have an open relationship waited until the incident happened. Hester refused to confess the adulterer in order to protect Arthur. From then on, he was sent to prison until she gave birth to a baby girl, while Arthur was tortured by the soul every day outside the prison. After getting out of prison, Hester put on the stigma of adulterer, while her husband, who survived, suddenly appeared and vowed to find the adulterer to vent her anger.

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